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Welcome to the page where you can order a wide range of CDs that feature British Dance Bands, their vocalists and other vintage artists.

Many of the items have not been available since their first appearance on 78rpm or were taken from rare broadcasts -  never issued before!


Each CD is from the old catalogue of Memory Lane Magazine so are not available anywhere else.

Each are produced on demand and include jewel case and reproduced artwork as close to the original MMLMCD Magazine release as possible. 


CDs also have CD text (if your player supports this feature), interesting sleeve notes and details about the recordings, etc.


The CDs are GBP £11 each plus GBP £2.50 (for postage and packing to mainland UK addresses.) 

UK orders of more than two CDs please add GBP £5.50 for postage and packing no matter how many CDs you order. 


I accept PayPal, personal cheque or banker's draft drawn on a British bank in GBP sterling.

Overseas orders for shipping is at cost which can be provided on request using the link below.

You can order any of the following CDs directly from me, using the link below.


Titles: Mrs Worthington; Cohen the Crooner (with Max Bacon, Jack Cooper); Lulus Back in Town; The Generals Fast Asleep (with The Rhythm Brothers); The Lady in Red; Whotcha Gotcha Trombone For; Woe Is Me (with Jack Cooper); Cuban Pete; I'm All In; Lost My Rhythm, Lost My Music, Lost My Man; Organ Grinders Swing; Did You Mean It?; On the Isle of Kitchymiboko; Swing Is In the Air; Sailor, Where Art Thou?; I May Be Poor, But I'm Honest (with Sam Browne, Les Carew); Rhythms O.K. In Harlem; Gangway; Swing High, Swing Low; Poor Robinson Crusoe; Lets Call the Whole Thing Off (with Sam Browne); Fifty Million Robins Cant Be Wrong; Its the Natural Thing To Do [all forgoing with Ambrose and his Orchestra]; No Songs About Love; It’s the Rhythm in Me; The Costa Rumba; You’ll Love the Army; Actions Speak Louder Than Words; Sitting on a Cloud That’s Silver-lined; Hey There, Bellman (with Stephane Grapelli) [all foregoing film soundtracks}.

Titles : Says My Heart; Joseph! Joseph!; I Got Love; Jeepers Creepers; Hold Tight - Hold Tight; Three Little Fishes (Itty Bitty Poo); Beer Barrel Polka; Aint Cha Comin Out?; An Apple for the Teacher (with Jack Cooper); My Heart Belongs To Daddy; Gulliver’s Travels Selection: We’re All Together Now, I Hear a Dream (Vera Lynn), All’s Well (Jack Cooper) and Bluebirds in the Moonlight (Evelyn Dall); My Wubba Dolly (with orchestra); Mr Jones (with orchestra); Pinocchio Selection: Give a Little Whistle (Jack Cooper), Little Wooden Head (Vera Lynn) and I’ve Got No Strings (Evelyn Dall); No Mamma No!; Something For the Boys (Orch: Art Strauss); Hey! Good Lookin’ (Orch: Art Strauss); I Wanna Get Married Part 1 (Orch: Phil Green); I Wanna Get Married Part 2 (Orch: Phil Green) [all foregoing commercial recordings with Ambrose and his Orchestra, unless shown differently.] Do It for the Girl You Love; I'm All In; Lost My Rhythm, Lost My Music, Lost My Man; I Don't Wanna Get Hot; Organ Grinders Swing; Sing as You Swing; You re What’s the Matter with Me; Rhythms OK in Harlem; Salome; Got A Bee in My Bonnet (with Arthur Askey); Keep Cool, Calm and Collect. [all foregoing are film soundtrack recordings.]


Promises JBy; Take Me In Your Arms JBy; I Can’t Believe It Was All Make Believe (Last Night) JBy; The Old Town Crier (Oyez Oyez) PY; Id Break My Heart Again S; Souvenir de Paris PY; Isn’t It Romantic S; In All The World RM; A Shawl of Galway Grey RK; When The World Has Forgotten RK; Maybe It’s Because RK; Autumn Leaves JB; Love Like Ours JB; Good Luck, Good Health, God Bless You PG+H; Don’t Make A Memory Out Of Me JB; Mary Rose NP; Columbia Cavalcade Part 1: We’ll Gather Lilacs PG; Columbia Cavalcade Part 2: If You Were The Only Girl In The World* PG; Vocal Gems from "Showboat" Part 1: Make Believe, Why Do I Love You? PG **; Vocal gems from "Showboat" Part 2: You Are Love PG **; Too Young NP; White Wedding NP; At The End Of The Day PG+H; Bless This House PG+H.
Accompaniments: JB, Jackie Brown; JBy, Jack Byfield; P, Philip Green; H, Hastings Girls Choir; RK, Reginald Kilbey; RM, Ray Martin; NP, Norrie Paramour; S, Studio Group; PY, Peter Yorke. * with Marie Benson, The Beverley Sisters, Teddy Johnson, Steve Race, Johnny Brandon and Ronnie Ronalde. ** Duet with Lizbeth Webb.


A Little Kiss Each Morning (Ambrose); Have a Little Faith In Me (Ambrose) Should I? (SB); Blue Turning Grey Over You (Ambrose); What Good Am I Without You? (Ambrose); Two Of Everything (Radio Melody Boys directed by Harry Hudson); One Little Raindrop (Ambrose); Faithfully Yours (Ambrose); It’s The Girl (Harry Hudson); Till Tomorrow (Ambrose); Skirts (Billy Cotton); Sidewalks Of Cuba (Cuban Havana Band directed By Jay Wilbur); Lovely To Look At (Jack Hylton); A Little Bit Independent (SB); I’m Sitting High On A Hilltop (SB); A Star Fell Out Of Heaven (SB); So Deep Is The Night (Jack Hylton); The Melody Maker (Jack Hylton); Ol’ Man River (SB); Cradle Song (SB); Thoughtless (SB); The Old Postman (SB); Wishing Waltz (SB); Pals Of The Lonesome Trail (SB); Heartbreaker (SB).


Titles: Allah’s Holiday (Ray Noble); It Must Be You (Ray Noble); You’re Sunny Disposition And Mine (Ray Noble); Falling In Love Again (Jay Wilbur); I’ll Be Good Because Of You (Ray Noble); I Apologise (Carroll Gibbons); All My Life (Carroll Gibbons); Hey Young Fella - with Nat Gonella (Sidney Lipton); I’m Playing With Fire (Sidney Lipton); I Can’t Remember (Oscar Rabin); Let Me Explain (Marek Webber); Symphony Of The Breeze (Roy Fox); Then I’ll Be Tired Of You (Teddy Joyce); Dames (George Scott Wood); I Only Have Eyes For You (George Scott Wood); June In January (Teddy Joyce); London On A Rainy Night (Teddy Joyce); No Souvenirs (Mantovani); Dancing Is Another Name For Love (Mantovani); Say It (Mantovani); Devil May Care (Mantovani); Until You Fall In Love (Mantovani); Miss Johnson Phoned Again Today (Eric Winstone); Perfidia (Eric Winstone).

Titles: Love Is a Dancing Thing; Dangerous You; Marylou; A Beautiful Lady in Blue; Moon for Sale; The Touch of Your Lips; The Stars in My Eyes; At The Café Continental; A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody; You; It
s a Sin to Tell a Lie; Serenade in the Night; Did Your Mother Come from Ireland; So Do I; In The Chapel in the Moonlight; No More; Seal It with a Kiss; Sweet Is the Word for You; Blue Hawaii; In The Still of the Night; Rosalie; Sweet Someone; Serenade to the Stars; I Wont Tell a Soul.

Titles: I’m Keeping Company -Maurice Winnick; You Forget Your Gloves - Jack Harris; Learn To Croon - Howard Flynn; You’re Getting To Be A Habit With Me - Oscar Rabin; Moonstruck - CK; Learn To Croon - CK; Whistling Under The Moon -
Tommy Kinsman; You’re Still In My Heart - Stanley Barnett; Dear Stranger - CK; Sophisticated Lady - Stanley Barnett; Oceans Of Time - CG; Let’s Sit This One Out - CK*; You’re Gonna Lose Your Girl - CG; This Little Piggy Went To Markey - Howard Flynn; Keep Young And Beautiful - CG; One Morning In May - CG; Two Little Windows - Oscar Rabin; May I? - CG; Better Think Twice - CG; Heaven on Earth - CG; So, Help Me - CG; Just A Catchy Little Tune - Sydney Lipton; When the New Moon Shines - CK; Smoke Gets in Your Eyes – CK Charlie Kunz; CG, Carroll Gibbons.


Give Me A Heart To Sing To BF; Getting Around And About; We Were So Young; Fatal Fascination; Where Theres Me Theres You, LL; From One Minute To Another, LL; Crying My Heart Out For You, JL; Miracles Sometimes Happen; I’m In A Dancing Mood; There’s A Lull In My Life; Never In A Million Years (With George Melachrino); One Song; Ten Little Miles From Town; Sing My Heart; What’s New; Sing For Your Supper; A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square; Shake Down The Stars; I’m Nobody’s Baby; Room 504; Room 504, JW; Do I Love You?; You And Your Kiss; I Didn’t Know About You, FW.
Key: All titles re with Carroll Gibbons and the Savoy Hotel Orpheans apart from: BF, Carroll Gibbons and his Boy Friends; LL, Louis Levy, JL, Joe Loss, FW, Frank Weir, JW, Jay Wilbur.

Body and Soul; The First Weekend in June; Confessin’; Tap Your Feet; Dancing on The Ceiling; Without Love; By the River Saint Marie; Ain’t That the Way It Goes; Goopy Geer; How Long Will It Last; After Tonight We Say Goodbye; Can’t We Meet Again; You’ve Got Me Crying Again; Did My Heart Beat; Stay as Sweet as You Are JW; The Girl with The Dreamy Eyes JW; Zing! When the Strings of My Heart; You're A Heavenly Thing JW; I'm So Afraid BH; Round About Regent Street RS; Louisiana Fairytale JW; I Won't Dance BH; Everybody's Got to Wear A Smile RS; Underneath the Stars (That Night of Love) JW.
Key All with Jack Hylton apart from: BH, Ben Hammond; JW, Jay Wilbur; RS, Radio Serenaders (BH and RS were aliases of Jay Wilbur)

Say A Little Prayer For Me SB; My Love Affair SB; Whistling In The Dark; Ho Hum; I Can't Believe It's True; Masquerade; I Guess I'll To Change My Plan; Moonlight The Danube And You; Under My Umbrella SW; The School Song HB; Sweetheart Darlin' HB; Sweetmeat Joe The Candy Man JW; Teddy Bear’s Picnic JW; Lullaby Of Broadway; Music In May; The Way You Look Tonight; A Fine Romance; Who Loves You; I Saw A Ship A Sailing; Taking A Stroll Around The Park; They Can't Take That Away From Me; In A Little French Casino; The Moon Got In My Eyes; Big Ben Is Saying Goodnight.
All with Ambrose and his Orchestra, apart from HB, Harry Bidgood and his Band; SB, Sam Browne (solo recording); JW, Jay Wilbur and his band; SW, George Scott Wood and his Orchestra.



S'posin; Lucky Me Loveable You; Happy Days Are Here Again; High Society Blues; All Alone Monday; Harmonica Harry; Goodbye To All That COC; One Night Alone With You JH; Without A Song; JH Song Of The Flame JH; I Am Only The-Words-You - Are The Melody; With My Guitar And You COC; I'm Yours; Cant We Be Friends? COC; I Surrender Dear VR; Whistling In The Dark; Ho Hum; Heartaches BL; The Longer That You Linger In Virginia GH; Just Humming Along; Should I Be Sorry SB; Soft Lights And Sweet Music LA; Cabin In The Cotton SB; What Would Ja Like For Breakfast? SB.
Vocals by Tom Barratt apart from: Les Allen, Sam Browne, Jack Hodges, Geoff Howard, Billie Lockwood, Cavan O’Connor, Val Rosing.

I'm Living On Love CRN; I'm Going Back Again To Old Nebraska CRN; Ev'ry Little While CRN; Just A Little Kiss From A Little Miss CRN; Stay Out Of The South; My Flame Is Just The Match For You BS; The Wedding Of The Painted Doll TB; Nobody's Using It Now TB; There's Something About Your That's Different TB; Mothers Smile TB; Once In A While DD; Soldier On The Shelf DD; The Little Things In Life DD; She's Not Worth Your Tears DD; Betty Co-Ed DD; Bathing In The Sunshine * DD; Lady Play Your Mandolin (as Society Serenaders) DD; When I Take My Sugar To Tea DD; Blaze away DD; Masquerade DD; Willow Weep For Me DD; The Moment I Say You DD; Look What You’ve Done DD; When You've Fallen In Love AW.
Vocals are by Cyril Ramon Newton, Tom Barratt, Bobby Sanders, Dan Donovan and Anona Winn.

How Ya Gonna Keep ‘Em Down On The Farm GWB; Flare Up GWB; My Ohio Home; Funny Face Selection; Chloe; Misery Farm (Leonard Henry); What A Wonderful Wedding That Will Be (Les Allen, Phil Arnold, Eddie Brandt); She’s Funny That Way (Henry Shalson); Blue Hills Of Pasadena (Les Allen, Phil Arnold, Eddie Brandt); His Majesty The Baby (Jack Plant) Water Under The Bridge (BL) Sleepy Time In Sleepy Hollow (BL); Tiny Little Fingerprints (BL); Bing Crosby Selection Part 1 (BL); Bing Crosby Selection Part 2 (BL); Cherokee; Tulip Time GSW (BL); Please Teacher Selection GSW (BL); Hits Of The Moment Part 1 (Ronnie Hill); Hits Of The Moment Part 2 (Ronnie Hill); Ev’ry Day Is A Day Nearer (Sam Browne); All Over The Place (Sam Browne)
All titles are directed by Carroll Gibbons apart from GWB, G W Byng and GSW, George Scott Wood. Vocalists are shown in brackets, BL signifying Brian Lawrance.

One Tiny Tear SB: You Were My First Love BAS; I’m Suspicious of You BAS; I’m Following You BAS; The Spell of Your Voice BAS; Making Conversation SB; Three of Us SB; Why Should It Happen to Me BAS; The Wind’s in The West BAS; We’re Through BAS; Day by Day BAS; Yesterday BAS; Why Wait? BAS; Love Thy Neighbour unkn.; Hold My Hand LA; Dreaming Of You unkind; All In A Day AK; Needing You SB; Loveless Girl AK; Music SB; Pop Goes Your Heart CC; Zing Went The Strings Of My Heart CH +2; You Filled My Heart With Sunshine CH; I’m Hand In Glove With The One I Love unkind; You’re All I Need CH; Linda CH+2.
Key to vocalists: BAS, Bill Airey-Smith; SB, Sam Browne; CC, Carlyle Cousins; CH, Chick Henderson; AK, Alan Kane; unkn, unknown vocalist.


Titles: I’ll Pray For You; This Can’t Be Love; When Night Is Through (With Sam Browne); I’ve Got My Eyes On You; Fools Rush In; I’m Nobody’s Baby; Until You Fall In Love; I Can’t Resist You; Only Forever; Pretty Little Petticoat; Goodnight Again; Strike Up The Band; The Best Things In Life Are Free; Moon For Sale; A Pair Of Silver Wings; Let There Be Love; You And Your Kiss; Heart’s Don’t Lie; You And I; I Walked Into A Dream Without Knocking; Concerto For Two; Time Was; Two In Love; Baby Mine.
All titles are with Carroll Gibbons and the Savoy Hotel Orpheans, apart from Track One which is by Carroll Gibbons and his Band.


Titles: She Showed Him This - Don Parker and his Dance Band v John Thorne; Just Like A Melody Out Of The Sky - Castle Dance Orchestra (Stan Greening); ‘Leven Thirty Saturday Night - Radio Melody Boys (Harry Hudson) v Sam Browne; Someone - The Night Club Kings (Ray Noble) v Pat O’Malley; In The Moonlight - The Night Club Kings (Ray Noble) v Pat O’Malley; Adeline - Nat Star and his dance Orchestra v Tom Barrett; Without My Gal - Sweet and Low (Cavan O’Connor and Tom Barrett) with Van Phillips and his Orchestra; The Peanut Vendor - Marius B Winter and his Dance Orchestra v Marius B Winter; Choo Choo - Marius B Winter and his Dance Orchestra; Yes, Yes (My Baby Said “Yes”) - Carson Sisters; Open Up Dem Pearly Gates - Addison Sims; She Didn’t Say Yes - Arthur Lally and his band (as the Durium Dance Band) v Les Allen; In a Shanty in Old Shanty Town - Sydney Kyte and his band (as Durium Dance Band) v Three Ginx; How’m I Doin’ - Ray Starita and his band (as The Rhythm Monarchs) v Sam Browne, Nat Gonella and unknown girl; Ooh That Kiss - Terry Mack (McGovern) and his band (as Al Terry and his band) v The Three Admirals; There’s a New Day Coming - Midnight Minstrels (Billy Cotton) v Sam Browne (with trio and solo ‘scatter’); Sentimental Gentleman From Georgia - Ginger Johnson and the Swinging Seven (Austin Croon-Johnson); Black Panther - Ernest Broadhurst and his Band; Just By Your Example - Bert Thomas and his Orchestra Unknown vocalist; Sweet Sue - Joe Paradise and his Music; Get Rhythm in Your Feet - Tommy Kinsman and his band; Who Loves You - Regal Cinema Ballroom Dance Orchestra (Tommy Kinsman); When Day Is Done - Novelty Players; Japanese Sandman - Novelty Players.


Stomp Off, Lets Go! - Savoy Hotel Orpheans; Red Hair And Freckles - Arthur Lally as Philip Lewis, v Maurice Elwin; Come On Baby - Arthur Lally as The Rhythm Maniacs, v Elsie Carlisle; He’s A Good Man To Have Around - Arthur Lally as Philip Lewis v Elsie Carlisle; That’s How I Feel About You - Arthur Lally as The Rhythm Maniacs v Maurice Elwin; When I Take My Sugar To Tea - Howard Godfrey v Val Rosing; Tell Me, Are You From Georgia - Howard Godfrey v Les Allen; Pardon Me, Pretty Baby - Howard Godfrey v Les Allen; This is the Missus - Sydney Kyte v Three Ginx; Time Alone Will Tell - Teddy Brown with Novelty Sextet v Jack Plant; Yes, Yes, My Baby Says Yes - Sydney Kyte v Three Ginx; What Would You Do? - The Rhythmic Eight directed by John Firmin v Sam Browne; I Raised My Hat - Stanley Barnett v Phyllis Robins; My Bluebirds Singing The Blues - Stanley Barnett v Phyllis Robins; Ive Found The Right Girl - Larry Brennan v Tom Barrett; My Hats On The Side Of My Head - Ambrose v Sam Browne; Your Gonna Lose Your Gal - Stanley Barnett v Annette Keith; Nobody's Sweetheart – Jay Wilbur as Rhythm Rascals v Sam Browne; Bugle Call Rag - Jay Wilbur as Rhythm Rascals; Somebody Stole My Girl - Jay Wilbur as Swing Rhythm Boys v Jack Cooper; My Girl’s a Rhythm Fan - Scott Wood and his Six Swingers v Sam Costa; Rhythm in my Nursery Rhymes - Scott Wood and his Six Swingers v Sam Costa; Dixieland Selection Part 1 - Billy Cotton and his Band v Trio; Dixieland Selection Part 2 - Billy Cotton and his Band v Cab Quay.


When I Met Sally vRM; Under The Moon vRM; I’m Going Back To Old Nebraska vRM; Dream Kisses vJT; Is She My Girl Friend? vRM; Where The Cot Cot Cotton Grows vME; My Pet vJT; Tell Me You’re Sorry vJT; Sonny Boy vCOC; Lover, Come Back To Me vEB; Sweeping The Clouds Away vSB; Any Time’s The Time To Fall In Love vSB; With My Guitar And You vCOC; Shoo The Hoodoo Away vB≈ When The Little Red Roses vSB; Sing A Little Theme Song vSB; You’re Driving Me Crazy vB≈ I’m Alone Because I Love You vB≈ River Stay ‘Way From My Door vSB; Miss Elizabeth Brown vSB; I Like A Little Girl Like That vSB; I Don’t Know Why vCOC; Mimi vTB; My Romance vTB.
Vocalists: RM, Ramon Newton; JT, John Thorne; ME, Maurice Elwin; COC, Cavan O’Connor; EB, Eddie Brandt; SB, Sam Browne; B&AP, Bob and Alf Pearson; TB, Tom Barrett.

Crazy Words, Crazy Tune - Victor Vorzanger ; Up In The Clouds – Alfredo; Do Something - Jack Payne ; Down Among The Sugar Cane - Philip Lewis; First You Say Yes, Then You Say No - Percival Mackey’s Band as The Ever-Bright Boys; M’ Honey and Me - Percival Mackey’s Band as The Ever-Bright Boys; I’m Feathering a Nest - Teddy Morris and his Boys; High Society Blues - Ray Noble; Here Comes Emily Brown - Jack Payne; Whispering – The Night Club Kings dir. By Ray Noble; Loving You The Way I Do - Cecil and Leslie Norman; Ain't That The Way It Goes - Jack Payne; It’s the Girl - Jerry Hoey and his Orchestra; Please Don’t Talk About Me When I’ve Gone - Jerry Hoey and his Orchestra; That's What I Like About You - Jack Payne; JB Blues - Harry Perritt; Buchanan Stomp - Harry Perritt; Everybody Loves My Baby - Brian Lawrance; Let's Put Some People To Work - Jack Buchanan; Way Down Yonder in New Orleans – Swingtimers; Pick Yourself Up – Swingtimers; Sing Baby Sing – Swingtimers; Sweet Georgia Brown – Swingtimers; In Your Own Quiet Way; Val Rosing and his Swing Stars.
Vocalists: Les Allen, Tom Barrett, Jack Buchanan, Sam Costa, Maurice Elwin, Brian Lawrance, Jack Payne, Val Rosing, Billy Scott Coomber, John Thorne, trio of Jack Payne, Bob Manning and Bob Busby, Wally Vernon.


Downhearted Blues - Savoy Havana Band; Mama’s Gone - Boston Orchestra; No One Knows What it’s all About - Hannan Dance Band (Stan Greening); Hey Hey! Hee Hee! - Geoffrey Goodhart and his Orchestra; Piccadilly Strut - Gilt Edged Four; My Cutey’s Due at Two-to-Two Today - Don Parker and his Band v probably Don Parker; Brainstorm - Debroy Somers Band; Mediterranean Blues - Hal Radford’s Dance Orchestra; Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man - Melville Gideon; That’s My Weakness Now - Beth Challis; To-Day Tomorrow, for Ever - Maurice Elwin; Take a Look at Mine - Gracie Fields; My Southern Home - Bohemian Band (Billy Cotton) v Sid Buckman and Joe Ferrie; Deep Hollow - New Mayfair Dance Orchestra (Carroll Gibbons); Nobody’s Sweetheart - Fred Elizalde and his Music; Everything I do I do for You - Rhythm Masters (Pete Mandell) v Tom Barrett; Dream Mother - Rhythm Maniacs v Maurice Elwin; She’s My Slip of a Girl - Eddie Harding Night Club Boys v Harry Bentley; Cosmopolitis - Jack Padbury’s Cosmo Club Six; Moanin’ Low - Jack Hylton and his Orchestra v Ella Logan; Cryin’ For The Carolines - Deauville DB v John Hart; What Wouldn’t I Do for that Man - Spike Hughes and his Decca-Dents v Val Rosing; Fascinating Devil - Spike Hughes and his Decca-Dents v Val Rosing; Stomping - Jimmy Wornell’s Hot Blue-Bottles v Tommy Sullivan.


Melodious Flashes (Part One); Melodious Flashes (Part Two); Speak Easy; Gum Shoe Dick, NG, AN, JC, TW; Rain, AK; Old Bohemian Town, JF; Hilly Billy Band, AN; The Music Goes Round And Round, AN; You’re Laughing At Me, SC; Nice People, SB; The Lady On The Second Floor, SB; The Birthday Of The Little Princess, SB; Little Swiss Whistling Song, SB; Shabby Old Cabby, SB; Crash Bang I Want To Go Home; Farewell Blues (Stonecrackers); When Your Train Has Gone, SB; The Badge From Your Coat, SB; Wednesday Night Hop (Stonecrackers); Beale Street Blues; Pigalle, LF*; Ghost Riders In The Sky, HD; Let's Put Out The Lights And Go To Sleep, SB; The Moon Was Yellow, SB.
Vocalists: SB, Sam Browne; SC, Sam Costa; JC, Joe Crossman; HD, Hughie Diamond; JF, Joe Ferrie; LF, Leo Fuld; NG, Nat Gonella; AK, Alan Kane; AN, Alfie Noakes; TW, Tiny Winters. *Lew Stone and his Concert Orchestra accompanying Leo Fuld.

Dance And Song Medley Part 1 - Ronnie Munro; Is There Anything Wrong In That - EC; You’re Driving Me Crazy - EC; An Evening In Caroline - Ray S*; Kiss By Kiss - Ray S; Snuggled On Your Shoulder - Ray S; You’ll Find Out - Ray S; Let That Be A Lesson To You - Ray S; Stop The Sun, Stop The Moon - Ray S; I Heard - Ray S; On A Dreamy Afternoon - Ray S; Gosh Darn - Ray S; Why Waste Your Tears - Durium DB; Rock Your Cares Away - Ray S; Mad About The Boy - Ray S; Pu-Leeze Mr Hemingway - Rudy S; Let’s Put Out The Lights - Rudy S*; Pu-Leeze Mr Hemingway - Rolando; I Don’t Want To Go To Bed - Scala DB*; My Darling - Rudy S; Sitting In The Dark - Rudy S*; Under My Umbrella – Ambrose*; Three Wishes - Oscar Rabin*; Let Me Give My Happiness To You - Oscar Rabin. Key: Durium DB, Durium Dance Band; EC, Elsie Carlisle; Scala DB, Scala Dance Band; Ray S, Ray Starita; Rudy S, Rudy Starita. Both Rolando and Scala DB are names used by Harry Hudson. An asterisk indicates a duet with Sam Browne.


Just as Long as The World Goes Round; Looking Forward to Looking After You; Log Cabin Lullaby; Nice Work If You Can Get It; Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen; In My Little Red Book; With You; You’re an Education; The Girl in The Upstairs Flat; Outside of Paradise; Just Let Me Look at You; My Own; Tears On My Pillow; Hurry Home; That Sly Old Gentleman; Sing A Song of Sunbeams; Why Begin Again?; I Poured My Heart into A Song; Ridin’ Home; Day-In, Day-Out; Goodnight, My Beautiful; You Never Miss the Old Faces; When You Wear Your Sunday Blue.


Me-Ow - London Dance Orchestra Dir Corelli Windeatt; Naughty Baby - Marlborough Dance Orchestra (Nat Star); Wait A Bit, Susie - Marlborough Dance Orchestra (Nat Star); Isn’t She the Sweetest Thing - Bert Ralton and His Havana Dance Band; Brown Eyes Why Are You Blue - Bert Ralton and His Havana Dance Band; Kiss Me Curse You - Ronnie Munro and His Dance Orchestra v Robert English; Valentine - Ronnie Munro and His Dance Orchestra v Robert English; Then I’ll Be Happy - Newton Carlisle and His Dance Orchestra (Bert Firman) v Foster Richardson; Five Feet Two Eyes of Blue) - Newton Carlisle and His Dance Orchestra (Bert Firman) v Foster Richardson; Spring Is Here! - Eddie Norman’s Dance Orchestra (Bert Firman); The Pump Song - Eddie Norman’s Dance Orchestra (Bert Firman); Let’s All Go to Mary’s House - Eugene Brockman’s Dance Orchestra (Bert Firman) v. unidentified; Tinker Tailor - Ronnie Munro and His Dance Orchestra v Sydney Nesbitt; The Popular Pair - Opal and Pearl Dance Orchestra v Eddie Grossbart; Playground in the Sky - Tommy Kinsman and his London Frivolities Band v Maurice Elwin; Make My Cot Where the Cot Cot Cotton Grows - Tommy Kinsman and his London Frivolities Band v Maurice Elwin; Firefly - Nat Star and His Dance Orchestra with The Sarony Twins v Maurice Elwin and 2 others; Not My Girl - Nat Star and His Dance Band v Tom Barratt; That’s What I Call Sweet Music - Nat Star and His Dance Band v Maurice Elwin; Why Are Your Lips Not Mine Alone - Herbert Jaeger and His Orchestra; Button Up Your Overcoat - Arcadians Dance Orchestra v Maurice Elwin; My Future Just Passed - Arthur Rosebery and His Dance Band v Len Lees; The Pickup - Arthur Rosebery and His Dance Band v Len Lees; Sunshine Charlie - River Club Orchestra (Arthur Rosebery); v Maurice Elwin (and one other).

One Little Kiss From You (With John Mills And Basil Sydney); I’ll Stay With You; I’m Looking For You; Three Wishes; Dancing On The Ceiling; Dear, Dear (With Barry McKay And Sonnie Hale); When You’ve Got A Little Springtime In Your Heart; Over My Shoulder; Say The Word And It’s Yours; It’s Written All Over Your Face; Half And Half Of Everything Is Yours; Say The Word And It’s Yours; Everything’s In Rhythm With My Heart; It’s Love Again (With Robert Young); (I Nearly Let Love Go) Slipping Through My Fingers; Gotta Dance, Gotta Sing (With Sonnie Hale And Robert Young); It’s Love Again Medley; May I Have The Next Romance With You; There’s That Look In Your Eyes Again (With Louis Borel); Head Over Heels; The Courtesy Of Love; Looking Around Corners For You; Don’t Give A Good Gosh Darn; Gangway; Lord And Lady Whoozies (With Barry McKay); Moon Or No Moon (With Barry McKay); When You Gotta Sing You Gotta Sing; Trusting My Luck; Your Heart Skips A Beat; Souvenir Of Love; My River; Jessie Matthews Memories Part 1; Jessie Matthews Memories Part 2.

Murder He Says; Over There; Woe is Me; Who Loves You; The Postman Always Rings Twice; Goodbye To Summer; Army Sketch; Have You Met Miss Jones?; Don’t Go In the Lion's Cage Tonight; In A Little French Casino; You Deserve A Medal; My Prayer; Sitting On A Cloud That's Silver Lined (2nd Version); I’ll Step Out Of The Picture; Oh How I Hate To Get Up In The Morning (and Close); Dinner For One Please James; I May Be Poor But I’m Honest; Muchacha; Lady From Mayfair; That's As Far As It Goes; Life Begins When You’re In Love; A Fine How Do You Do (Complete Version); They Can’t Take That Away From Me; A Nightingale Sang In Berkley Square; I Can’t Get Out Of This Mood and close;  The Moon Got In My Eyes; Is That All? (Would You Like to Take a Walk?).

My Heart is Saying; Loveable and Sweet; The Thought Never Entered My Head; She’s Such a Comfort to Me; ‘T Ain’t no Sin; Ev’ry Day Away from You; Duke of Ka-Ki-Ak; Miss Wonderful; Body and Soul; I’ll Be Getting Along; High Society Blues; In the Still of the Night; Moanin’ for You; I’m on my Way to Heaven; You Gotta be Modernistic; Can I Help It;  Follow a Star; Let’s Go Native; He’s My Secret Passion; Melody in Spring; Give me Liberty or Give Me Love; She Reminds me of You; True; Nasty Man.

By the Sycamore Tree SB; An Evening in Caroline SB; Goodnight Little Girl Goodnight SB; I Lost My Heart in Heidelberg SB; One Hour with You SB; What Would You Do SB; She Didn’t Say Yes LA; Gypsy Moon LA; Round the Marble Arch SB; It’s That Little Extra Something SB; Everybody’s Going but Me SR; Get Away Old CR; Why Be So Unkind to Me SB; We All Wanna Know Why SB; Why Waste Your Tears? EC; Night Shall Be Filled with Music SB; Threes A Crowd SB; Sweethearts Forever SB; How Are You SB; When They’re on The Love Parade SB; Yes! Mr. Brown Selection SB; Ich Liebe Dich My Dear SB; Bon Voyage to Your Ship of Dreams SB; Tell Me Tonight WB; Parlez Moi D’amour WB; Someone to Care For SB; This Is No Dream SB Vocalists LA, Les Allen; SB, Sam Browne; EC, Elsie Carlisle; CR, Carson Robison; WB, Webster Booth.


Crying for the Carolines, SB, JF, ?; Happy Feet, SB, JF, ?; Puttin' on the Ritz, SB, JF, ?; A Bench in the Park, SB; I'm in the Market for You, SB; You Gotta Be Modernistic, SBu; Have a Little Faith in Me, VR; I've Gotta Have You, SBu; Who am I, CG; One Little Quarrel, CG; I Apologise, CG; Tonight, or Never, CG; Now That You’re Gone, CG; Too Many Tears, AB; It Was So Beautiful, CG; Nightfall, AB; Say it isn't so, CG; My Romance, AB; Keep Your Last Goodnight for me, CG; Just Pleasing You, AB; Please Handle with Care, CG; Rosa Mia, AB; One Little Word Led to Another, SB; Pretending You Care, SB.

Vocalists: AB, Alan Breeze SB, SB, Sam Browne; SBu, Sid Buckman; JF, Joe F errie; CG, Cyril Grantham VR, Val Rosing.


 I Want to Be Happy - Geoffrey Goodhart and his Orchestra; Hot Piano - Jean Pacques; Love Lies  - Syd Roy's Lyricals; Sing Song Girl of Old Shanghai - Piccadilly Dance Band (Selby); Heaven for Two - Harry Shalson as Kit Kisson;  Great Camp Meetin' Day - George Fisher's Kit Cat Band; Down Kentucky Way - Al Tabor and his Transatlantic Band; Good Little Bad Little You - Billy Elliott; I'll Never Ask for More - Harry Hudson's Melody Men; Bathing in The Sunshine - Alan Green; Mausie - Billy Mason and his band; Got A Date with An Angel - Teddy Brown; Hang Out the Stars in Indiana  - White Star Syncopators; Fire in My Heart - White Star Syncopators; Jerome Kern Medley  - Savoy Orpheans; I Wish I Had Wings - RMS Homeric Dance Band; Won’t You Share My Umbrella  - Jackson Harmony Trio; I Raised My Hat  - Ginger Johnson and the Swinging Seven; Blue Prelude  - Syd Lipton's New Grosvenor Band; In Town Tonight  - Teddy Joyce; What a Lovely, Lovely Day - Casani Club Band dir. by Charlie Kunz; The Autocrat Before Breakfast - The New Music of Reginald Foresythe; Dinah - Rhythm Rascals (Jay Wilbur); A Reckless Night on Board an Ocean Liner - Sydney Lipton.

Vocalists: Les Allen, Phil Arnold, Harry Bentley, Sam Browne, Joe Daniels, Dawn Davis, Maurice Elwin, Helen Howard, Joe Leigh, Jack Lorimer; Cavan O’Connor, Les Reis, Cecile Petrie, Ronnie Ogilvie & Irene Taylor



What Are You Thinking About Baby; Sweet and Lovely, PM; Don’t Know Why, CDB; Mad About The Boy, JH; Black Eyed Susan Brown, MT; My Bluebird’s Singing The Blues, MT; I Raised My Hat. MT; Makin’ Conversation. HH; I’m Hitchin My Wagon To You, Nasty Man, CCO; Nobody Loves a Fairy When She’s Forty; The Girl With the Dreamy Eyes; March Winds and April Showers; Dancing With My Shadow; I Like the Way You Say Goodnight, with Leslie Holmes; Honey Coloured Moon  ; My First Thrill; Love Is Good For Anything That Ails You, O; It's A Hap, Hap, Happy Day; Over the Rainbow; Chatterbox; Oh! Johnny; Sing For Your Supper; No Souvenirs; The Parting of the Ways, unknown orch, aircheck.

Key:  All tracks are Phyllis Robins Solos, apart from: CCO, Casani Club Orchestra; CDB, Cunard Dance band; HH, Henry Hall; JH, Jack Hylton; MT, Madame Tussauds Dance Orchestra; O, Orlando; PM, Percival Mackey.

I’ll See You in my Dreams - Mario Harp Lorenzi v Marjorie Stedeford; By a Lazy Country Lane - Billy Cotton v Sid Buckman; A Nightingale Sang in Berkley Square - Geraldo v Dorothy Carless; Why Shouldn't I - Ambrose v Sam Browne; The Grass is Getting Greener All the Time - Charlie Kunz v Harry Bentley; The Singing Hills - Joe Loss v Chick Henderson; That’s Me Without You - Joe Loss v The Rhythm Sisters; Alice Blue Gown - Carroll Gibbons and the SHO v Anne Lenner & Eric Whitley; Good Evening - Jack Payne v Jack Plant; The Belle of Fiji Island - Jay Wilbur v Cavan O’Connor; And So Do I - Geraldo v Dorothy Carless; Street of Dreams - Billy Cotton v Alan Breeze; Would You Like to Take a Walk - Ambrose v Ella Logan & Sam Browne; Sundown in a Little Green Hollow - Joe Loss v Jimmy Mesene; Ma Ma Maria - Joe Loss v Chick Henderson; That Sly Old Gentleman - Jack Hylton v Peggy Dell; Easy Come, Easy Go - Jay Wilbur v Cyril Grantham; The Breeze and I - Geraldo v Dorothy Carless; Say That You Were Only Teasing Me - Ambrose v Sam Browne; That’s All That Matters to Me - Anona Winn, p. Carroll Gibbons; Scatterbrain - Joe Loss v Chick Henderson; When All’s Said And Done - Jay Wilbur v Cavan O’Connor; I Can’t Believe it’s True - Ambrose v Sam Browne; Just a Catchy Little Tune - Bertini v Donald Peers.

Talking it Over - Rhythm Rascals (Jay Wilbur) v Gerry Fitzgerald; Tie A String Around Your Finger - Percival Mackey; You’re in my Arms - Joe Loss v Chick Henderson; Ambrose's Jubilee Cavalcade Part 1 - Ambrose v Sam Browne, Rhythm Sisters, Elsie Carlisle; Ambrose's Jubilee Cavalcade Part 2 - Ambrose v Sam Browne, Rhythm Sisters, Elsie Carlisle; Here Comes the Sun - Jay Wilbur v David O’Rourke; At Twilight - NMDO v Sam Browne; Wherever You Are - Harry Bidgood; Keeping Out of Mischief Now - SHO v Unknown; Cherie C’est Vous - Howard Godfrey v Les Allen; Auf Wiedersehen, My Dear - Ambrose v Sam Browne; I Lost My Girl from Memphis Henry Hall -Gleneagles Hotel Band v Bobby Sanders; Outside - Nat Star leading The Rythmics Band v Cavan O’Connor; Hiawatha’s Lullaby - Bertini v Tom Barrett; Yale Blues - Harry Hudson’s Melody Boys; Silly Symphonies - Ambrose - Sam Browne; I Get the Blues When it Rains - Nat Star (as Bert Maddison and his band) v Cavan O’Connor; Tom, Tom the Piper’s Son - Reginald Williams and his Futurists v Sandra Shayne; The Birth of the Blues - Harry Hudson’s Melody Boys; Chopsticks - Bram Martin v Bob Howard; Supposin’ - Sid Lipton v Chips Chippendall; A Bungalow a Piccolo and You - Terry Mack (Terence McGovern) and his band v Joe Leigh; Call Me Sweetheart - Jack Payne v Ralph Silvester; Talk to Me - Reginald Williams and his Futurists v Dinah Miller


Da Dn Da - Percival Mackey v. FD; Dancing Shadows - Raie Da Costa and her orchestra; Journey's End - Ambrose and his Orchestra v. AS; Alabamy Bound - Savoy Orpheans; Gonna Wed That Gal of Mine - Nat Gonella and his Georgians v. NG; Chinese Moon - Jay Whidden and his New Midnight Follies Band; Song of the Blue Danube - Piccadilly Dance Band (Harry Acres and his Winter Gardens Dance Band) v. unk; In an 18th Century Drawing Room - Billy Thorburn featuring H Robinson Cleaver (organ); Kitty’s Kisses - Piccadilly Dance Band (Allan Selby) v. GM; Scatter Brain - Billy Thorburn featuring H Robinson Cleaver (organ) v. TD; Cuddle Up - Jack Hylton v. JH; I'm Crazy for You - New Mayfair Dance Orchestra; Too Wonderful for Words - Bert Maddison (Nat Star) v. FD; Jog Along - Harry Leader and his Band. SB; I Need Some Cooling Off - Kit Cat Band v. ASt; Fashionette - Raie Da Costa and her orchestra; I Can't Believe That You're in Love With Me - Jack Payne and his Hotel Cecil band v. JP; That's What I Like About You - Manhattan Melody Makers (Harry Bidgood) v. FD, LS; Down by the Front Door Gate - The Rhythm Band (George Fisher); Button Up Your Overcoat - Manhattan Melody Makers (Harry Bidgood) v. JT; Twentieth Century Blues - Henry Hall and his Gleneagles Hotel Band v. ME; My Persian Rosebud - Ronnie Munro and his Dance Band v. EC; We'll Go Smiling Along - Harry Roy and his Band v. CH; Au Revoir - Ray Starita and his Ambassadors Band v. SC.

Vocalists: SB, Sam Browne; SC, Santos Casani; EC, Eddie Collis; TD, Terry Devon; FD, Fred Douglas; ME, Maurice Elwin; NG, Nat Gonella; CH, Chick Henderson; JH, Jack Hylton; GM, G Marshall; JP, Jack Payne; LS, Leslie Sarony; AS, Anne Shelton; ASt, Al Starita; JT, John Thorne; unk, Unknown

Public Sweetheart No.1; Have You Ever Been Lonely?; Without That Certain Thing; I've Got An Invitation To A Dance; Sittin' In the Dark SB; Who Walks in When I Walk Out; One More Kiss (Then Goodnight); I Wish I Knew A Bigger Word Than Love; Twas Only A Summer Night's Dream (Acc. E8); Fit as A Fiddle (Acc. E8); If I Had My Time Over Again; Just One More SL; Honey Covered Moon; There's No More You Can Say; What Good Am I Without You; Hold Up Your Hands SB; That Man of My Dreams; I Was True; You Didn't Have to Tell Me; I Wonder What Is Really on His Mind; I'm Afraid to Open Your Letter; Who Made Little Boy Blue?; He's My Secret Passion; Won't You Stay for Tea? SB
All solos recording s by Elsie Carlisle. Accompaniments - E8, Embassy eight; SB, duet with Sam Browne; SL, duet with Stanley Lupino.

Sailing On The Robert E Lee; Moon Light, The Danube And You; Can’t We Talk It Over; Hey Young Fella - In A Little Back Alley; Let’s All Me Happy Together – Spanish Sweetheart; Say It With Music Selection Part 1; Say It With Music Selection Part 2; Put That Sun Back In The Sky; You Rascal You; Sweet Sixteen And Never Been Kissed; Bahama Mama; In The Valley Of The Moon – Hold Me; Love You Funny Thing; I Got Rhythm; After Tonight We Say Goodbye; Is Is In Love? I Is; Won’t You Stay For Tea – There’s A Tiny Little Hair; The Younger Generation; There’s A Cabin In The Pines – Jog Along; Let’s Put Out The Lights.
Key: All vocals and introductions by Sam Browne except for Tracks: 5, Sam Browne, Max Bacon; 9 Joe Crossman, Sam Browne; 10, 14, 20 Sam Browne, Nat Gonella; 17 Tom Barratt, Phyllis Robins.

© 2006 - 2025 by Dave Cooper.       

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